Monday, May 4, 2009

I AM a Right Wing Extremist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well folks, I am here to tell you I am sick and tired of our Gov't being a part of our lives. I am willing to die for this cause. It happened once, it can happen again. This nation needs a large group of us, the silent majority, to stand up and kick some butt!!!! These idiots think we can't see what they are doing? Cap and Trade, tax increases, water tax, mileage tax, etc etc etc.

Fiat owns Chrysler? What a joke. I want to see Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chucky Schumer, and Barney Frank carpool in a Fiat! This is insane. I will not buy a Chrysler or GM product as long as the Gov't owns a part of the company. Ford, Toyota, or Honda is what I will buy. Something "American" made....Not Gov't made. Wake up America, before it is too late. Can't you see what is happening? Losing freedoms and Libertys right and left. Next we will to be told when and what to eat. What to drive. How much we can drive. How much water we can use. You get the pitcure. It is out of control. This New President and Congress make Bill Clinton look like a Right Wing Extremist!. I need to start selling "I AM A RIGHT WING EXTREMIST!!!!" bumper stickers. No wait, that would probably put me in a higher tax bracket!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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